
Cards (42)

  • bandura et al-
    transmission of aggression
  • what type of experiment was bandura et al study?
    lab experiment
  • how many participants were in Bandura et als study?
    72 children
  • where did bandura et als study take place?

    stanford university
  • what design was used in banduras study?
    matched pairs design
  • what were the independent variables in banduras study?
    aggression vs non-aggression
    the sex of the model
    the sex of the child
  • what were the four groups used in bandura et als study?
    boy + man
    boy + female
    girl + man
    girl + female
  • what was the dependant variable in bandura et als study?
    the amount of aggression that was shown
  • what were the three different conditions in bandura et als study?
    1. exposed
    2. aggression arousal
    3. delayed imitation
  • what were some of the verbal responses recorded from Bandura et als study?
    'cut him'
    'shoot the bobo'
  • what was a strength of bandura et als study?
    not androcentric
    (had both male and female participants)
  • what was a weakness of bandura et als study?
    low ecological validity
  • Chaney
  • how many children took part in Chaney's study?
    32 children between the ages 1.5 to 6
    a mean age of 3.2
  • what ethical issue was covered from the start of Chaney's study?
    informed consent was given from all parents
  • where did Chaney's study take place?
  • what was the independent variable for Chaney's study?
    the device that was used
    • the regular inhaler
    • the funhaler
  • what was the dependent variable in Chaney's study?
    how well the children complied with each version of the inhaler
  • what were the results of Chaney's study?
    3/30 children used the normal inhaler
    22/30 children used the funhaler
  • what is a strength of Chaney's study?
    it was a field experiment
  • weaknesses of Chaney's study?
    it was ethnocentric
    there were repeat measures
    demand characteristics
  • what was Kohlbergs study on?
    Moral development
  • how many participants took part in Kohlbergs study?
    75 american boys
  • what was kohlberg's study considered as?
    a longitudinal study
  • how old were the boys over the course of kohlberg's study?
    10-16 at the start
    22-28 at the end
  • kohlberg - moral development
    the boys were given hypothetical moral dilemmas that they had to respond to and give the reasoning behind their answer.
  • what were the findings of kohlberg's study?
    not all participants progressed and reached stage 6
  • strengths of kohlberg's study?
    longitudinal study
    cross cultures
  • weaknesses of Chaney's study?
  • lee
    evaluating of lying and truth telling
  • how many participants were in lee's study?
    228 participants altogether
    120 Chinese
    108 Canadian
  • what class were the majority of participants in Lee's study?
    middle class
  • what was the independent variable in Lee's study?
    Chinese vs Canadian children
  • what was the dependent variable in Lee's study?
    the rating that was given
    (ratings ranged from very, very good to very, very naughty.)
  • what type of design was used in lee's study?
    it was a laboratory experiment with an independent measures design
  • what were the children given in Lee's study?
    Children were read four scenarios with illustrations: two were prosocial and two were antisocial. 
  • Prosocial Behaviour/Truth-Telling Situations
    • Children from both cultures rated the prosocial behaviours similarly
    • Canadian children at each age gave similar ratings to truth telling
    • Chinese children's ratings became less positive as age increased
  • Prosocial Behaviour/Lie-Telling Situations
    • Canadian children rated lie telling negatively, but as age increased their ratings became less negative
    • Chinese children's ratings of lie telling changed from negative to positive as age increased
  • Antisocial Behaviour/Truth-Telling Situations
    • Children from both cultures rated the antisocial behaviours similarly
    • Children from both cultures rated truth telling in this situation very positively
  • Antisocial Behaviour/Lie-Telling Situations
    • Both Chinese and Canadian children rated lie telling negatively in this condition
    • Negative ratings increased with age, regardless of culture
    • Chinese 7-year-olds rated lie telling less negatively then older children in the physical story condition
    • Canadian 7-year-olds rated lie telling less negatively than older children in the social story condition