
Cards (40)

  • Sperry
    hemisphere deconnection
  • what was the independednt variable of sperrys study?
    having/ not having a split brain
  • what was the dependent variable in sperrys study?
    naming objects/ recognising objects
  • how many different tests were there in sperrys study?
  • what were the four different tests in Sperry's study?
    1. visual test
    2. tactile test
    3. visual and tactile test
    4. right hemisphere/ nude image
  • what type of experiment was sperrys study?
    quasi experiment
  • how many participants took place in sperrys study?
  • what did all the participants in sperrys study have in common?
    they all had epilepsy
  • what was the strength of sperrys study?
    it was naturally occurring as they had all had the procedure prior to the study.
  • what is the weakness of sperrys study?
    low ecological validity
  • casey
    delay of gratification
  • what is another name of caseys study of delay of gratification?
    go-no go
  • what type of experiment was casey's?
    quasi experiment
  • casey's study followed children from childhood into adulthood
  • what is the independent variable in caseys study?
    whether the participant was a high or low delayer
  • what was the dependent variable in caseys study?
    how well the participant did on the hot or cool task
  • what did the hot and cool task mean in casey's study?
    hot = happy and fearful face
    cool = neutral
  • what were the results from caseys study?
    the majority of participants scored a lot worse on the hot task
  • strengths of Casey's study?
    Large sample size,
    controlled variables.
    quantitative data
  • how many participants were in casey's study?
     59 participants (32 high delayers and 27 low delayers).
  • weaknesses of caseys study?
    risk of extraneous variables
  • blakemore and cooper
    brain development on visual environment
  • what type of experiment was blakemore and cooper?
    laboratory experiment
  • what was the independent variable of blakemore and cooper study?
    horizontal or vertical lines
  • what was the dependent variable in blakemore and cooper's study?

    kittens visuomotor behaviour
  • how long were the kittens in the visual apparatus in blakemore and cooper study?
    from the ages of 2 weeks to 5 months
  • what were the findings of blakemore and coopers study?
    the cats developed some depth perception
    there was no evidence of astigmatism
  • strengths of blakemore and coopers study
    collected both quantitative and qualitative data
    it was a controlled and standardised procedure
  • weaknesses of blakemore and coopers study?
    there were many ethical issues
  • maguire
    navigation of taxi drivers, hippocampus volume
  • how many participants took part in Maguire's study?
    16 right handed males
  • what type of experiment was maguires?
    quasi experiment
  • what two types of scientific tests did maguire look at?
    • pixel counting
    • MRI scan
  • what was the independent variable of maguires study?
    whether they were a taxi driver or not
    how long they had been a taxi driver for
  • what was the dependent variable for maguires study?
    Pixel count
    grey matter
  • what part of the brain did maguire look at?
    the hippocampus
  • what were the results from maguires study?
    Taxi drivers had a significantly greater volume in the posterior hippocampus, whereas control subjects showed greater volume in the anterior hippocampus.
  • where did Maguire's study take place?
    London, England
  • strength of Maguire's study?
    ecological validity
    quantitative data
  • weaknesses of Maguire's study?
    Small sample size