Law, order, and discipline are prerequisite for refinement, and thus are critical in achieving economic development, according to David Hume?
Ascetism was a result of Christian belief that God was a god of providence?
Mercantilism upheld economic development for the benefit of the larger population?
Classicism maintained that economic development must be achieved but not as much as civil liberties?
Robbin's definition of economic development completely captures the essence of the term?
Amartya Sen's capability approach maintained that economic development must enable us to widen our freedoms?
Economic development is the same as economic growth?
The Antigrowth theory believed that economic development must be rejected because of its effect on growth that lead to negative externalities?
Physiocracy believed that farmers must be given their fair share of the plenty?
Economic development was not desirable at the time of the Ancient Greeks and Primitive Christians. The former depreciated foreigners due to trade being dishonorable while the latter was held back by the idea of rapture or the coming of the Lord?
economic development in terms of increasing real income per head or increasing potential to produce such income?
Robbin's Economic Development
Validity of economic analysis and prescriptions should always be evaluated in light of the underlying assumptions or value premise?
On Ancient Greeks, foreigners are unwelcome and trade is discouraged?
Mercantilism is a culmination of a nation state. Its goal is power and plenty?
They emphasized the role of government in achieving a more distributed happiness and wealth?
Hume and Smith
Economic development was no longer an either-or-problem: marginal effect was on the spotlight?
Economic development must increase not only our incomes but also our freedoms?
Human Development Index
average number of years a newborn child would live if subjected to the mortality risks prevailing for the cohort at the time of their birth?
Life Expectancy
consuming too little food to maintain normal levels of activity?
Rate of Undernourishment
percentage of adults with basic abilities to read and write?
adult literacy
Problems with the old HDI?
empirically not sound
does not take account quality, focuses of quantity
high variations in results
Limited production due to little or no technology
Producer is also the consumer
Its drivers is feudalism?
Traditional Society
· Emphasis on the importance of technology, knowledge, investments
· Increase in population
· Rapid urbanization?
Preconditions take off
· Industrialization
· Technology adoption
· Openness to trade
· Sustained annual investment rate at 10%?
· Institutionalized capital investment
· Sustained and enlarged momentum in the preconditions
Reactive nationalism towards modernization
· Diversification in the use of technology and capital in areas outside of agriculture
· Increase in per capita income and consumption?
drive to maturity
· Mass Production
· Consumerism
· Society thrives in capitalism
Technological Spillover?
High Mass Consumption
Classical roots: two sectors – agri and non-agriculture with different behaviors?
Arthur Lewis Theory of Development
agri is a _ non-agri is a _ from agri stagnation?
Capitalist sector
temporary deviation
advancement leads to higher population growth?
Malthusian trap
Rostow/Harrod-Domar assumptions?
Higher I lead to higher capital
more capital in the form of more technology increases productivity (higher Y)
Higher Y increases savings
Lewis – agri is a dominant _ ; modern sector is the _?
non-capitalist sector
capitalist sector
Structural Transformation of a subsistence economy?
Lewis Theory of Development
Excess labor in the rural area is absorbed entirely by the industrial sector?
Self-sustained growth in the modern sector
declining land to labor ratio, as capitalist uses up labor, and the wages increase in response to an increasing marginal product of labor?
Lewis Turning Point
Increase savings rate to enable investment/technology?
Cheap rural surplus labor
diminishing marginal product of labor
Profits ?
Lewis structural change
Political and economic imperialism of developed over underdeveloped countries?
Neocolonial dependence
Incorrect policies imposed/suggested by international experts?
False paradigm
In Solow vs Classical Growth Theoy, K is no longer fixed: investment causes it to grow, depreciation causes it to shrink?
In Solow vs. Classical Growth Theoy, L is no longer fixed: population growth causes it to grow. All N is L?