research methods

Cards (16)

  • Positivists
    Prefer scientific, quantifiable data that is quick and easy to obtain, and is rich in reliability and validity
  • Interpretivists
    Value qualitative data that provides in-depth meaning of a small-scale research group, and is therefore rich in validity
  • Experiment
    Characterised by its high degree of control that the researcher has over the situation
  • Laboratory experiments

    • Test hypotheses in a controlled environment where the researcher changes the independent variable and measures the effect on the dependent variable
  • Field experiments
    • Take place in the real social world, where the sociologist either creates a situation or adapts a real-life situation to their research purpose
  • Questionnaires
    A form of social survey, typically a list of pre-set questions that are closed-end questions with pre-coded answers
  • Structured interviews
    Face-to-face or over-the-phone delivery of a questionnaire, using a list of pre-set questions asked of all interviewees in the same way
  • Unstructured interviews

    Mainly ask open-ended questions that produce qualitative data rich in meaning, with a strong relationship built between interviewer and interviewee
  • Semi-structured interviews

    Combine a pre-determined set of open questions with the opportunity for the interviewer to explore particular themes or responses further
  • Participant observations
    The researcher joins in the activities of the group they are researching
  • Non-participant observations

    The observer avoids any direct involvement with the research group
  • Overt observations

    The researcher explains their research intention to the group, so the research subjects are aware they are being observed
  • Covert observations

    The researcher keeps their real identity and purpose secret from research subjects
  • Official statistics
    Quantitative data collected by government bodies
  • Personal documents
    Take the form of diaries, memoirs, autobiographies and letters
  • Historical documents
    Provide evidence from the past