
Cards (16)

  • Obligation
    Doing what you should or have to instead of what you want.
  • Quit
    Giving up to avoid the pain of shame and burden of obligation.
  • Shame
    Laying blame onto oneself, which is often felt as guilt.
  • Justify
    Using excuses for things being the way they are.
  • Lay blame
    Holding others at fault for causing something.
  • Denial
    Ignoring the existence of something.
  • Three types of empathy
    Cognitive, emotive and empathic empathy
  • Cognitive empathy
    Understanding and identifying with someone else's thoughts and feelings. ("I put myself in your shoes")
  • Emotive empathy
    Feeling and sharing someone else's emotions. ("I feel WITH you")
  • Empathic empathy
    both understanding and sharing someone else's thoughts, feelings, and emotions. ("I will stand with you, without fixing")
  • Two types of conflicts
    External and internal
  • External conflict
    Man vs. Man, Machine, Nature, Animal, Fate, Society
  • Internal conflict
    Man vs. Himself, His mind
  • Protagonist
    Main character
  • Antagonist
    The person who is against the main character.
  • Responsibility
    Owning your ability and power to create, choose, and attract.