Food processing

Cards (21)

  • Not all processed foods can negatively impact health. Pre-chopped vegetables and fruit, wholegrain breakfast cereals and pasta are examples of nutritious processed foods.
  • Why food is processed
    • To preserve it and extend its shelf life
    • To make it safe for consumption
    • To make it suitable for use
    • To create new food products
    • To reduce time and energy used when preparing and cooking food
    • To allow for the fortification of food to improve its nutritional value
    • To ensure variety and choice of products for consumers all year
  • Primary processing
    • Changing or converting a raw food material into a food that lasts longer, is fit for sale and is ready to eat or cook
  • Secondary processing
    • Changing or converting primary processed foods into other food products. This produces added-value foods (foods with higher economic value).
  • Primary processing
    • Milling of wheat into flour
    • Processing of raw milk
    • Extraction of oil from vegetables
    • Preparation of fish and meat for sale and consumption
  • Secondary processing
    • The manufacture of margarine from oil
    • The production of cheese from milk
    • The production of cook-chill foods
  • Types of extensively processed foods
    • Convenience foods
    • Foods processed to extend shelf life
    • Fortified foods
  • Convenience foods
    Partly or totally prepared to make them easier for the consumer to use, therefore saving time and energy
  • Classification of convenience foods
    • Cook-chill foods
    • Ready meals
    • Frozen foods
    • Canned/bottled foods
    • Ready to serve/instant foods
    • Dried foods
  • Genetically modified (GM) foods
    Foods produced from plants that have had changes introduced into their DNA. Foreign genes (genes from other plants or animals) are inserted into the genetic codes of plants.
  • Potential benefits of GM foods
    • Disease- and drought-resistant
    • Require fewer pesticides
    • Grow faster
    • Have increased nutritional benefits
  • GM foods must undergo strict tests, e.g. allergy tests, prior to being authorised for entry into the European Union market.
  • Under current European Union regulations manufacturers must label any food where GM ingredients make up more than 0.9% of the total ingredients.
  • What is the primary reason for food processing?
    To preserve food and extend its shelf life
  • How does food processing make food safe for consumption?
    By eliminating harmful bacteria and pathogens
  • What is one benefit of fortifying food during processing?
    Improves its nutritional value
  • What are the main types of food processing mentioned?
    Cook, pasteurise, chill food production
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of convenience foods?
    • Saves time and energy
    • Easy to prepare
    • Variety of options available

    • Often higher in preservatives
    • May lack nutritional value
    • Can be more expensive
  • What are genetically modified (GM) foods?
    Foods produced from plants with DNA changes
  • What is one potential benefit of GM foods?
    They can be disease and drought resistant
  • What must be labeled in Europe regarding GM foods?
    Any food with over 0.9% GM ingredients