LINE is the simplest, most primitive, and most universal means for creating visual art.
LINE always has direction and is always active. It always seem to be moving.
HORIZONTAL LINE is the primary line of rest and quiet, relaxation and contemplation.
A LONG horizontal line gives a sense of INFINITY
Horizontal Lines are found in landscape, the QUIETER the landscape, the more prominent the horizontals.
VERTICAL LINE is the line of rest, but not the rest of relaxation we find horizontally.
The VERTICAL LINE is a line of potential action, though it is not acting.
DIAGONAL LINE is the line of action.
In a diagonal line, at an angle of 45 DEGREES, the diagonal represents the maximum action, being halfway between the independence of the 15 vertical and the powerlessness of horizontal.
DIAGONAL LINES connote confusion, disturbance, lightning, battle, war, and sudden death.
CURVED LINES show action and life and energy; they are never harsh or stern.
A QUICK CURVE is an arc of a small circle.
A QUICK CURVE is more exuberant than the slow curve, when used in great abundance, it becomes COARSE AND GROSS.
A SLOW CURVE is an arc of a large circle.
A DOUBLE CURVE is the famous "line of grace" or "line of beauty" of Hogarth.
VALUE has to do with the amount of light in a given painting or graphic work of art.
VALUE indicates the degree of LUMINOSITY - presence or absence of light.
WHITE is recognized as the highest value in the color wheel, and is the absence of color.
BLACK is the lowest value on the color wheel and is the absence of all colors.
A halfway between White and Black is called MEDIUM.
The point halfway between white and medium may be called LIGHT.
The point halfway between MEDIUM and BLACK may be called DARK.
LIGHT AND SHADOW are also known as CHIAROSCURO, from the Italian word for "light and dark."
LIGHT AND SHADOW should be distinguished from value. It is also a means of modeling a figure in-depth, a means of articulating the form.
COLOR increases the effects obtained through line and value.
HUE is a quality of color that distinguish one color from another.
RED means warm and is a primary hue associated with warmth. It is an advancing color.
ORANGE means warm and is a secondary hue associated with warmth. It is an advancing color and is halfway between Red and Yellow.
YELLOW means neither warm nor cool, it is a primary hue associated with divinity.
GREEN means cool and is a secondary hue associated with cool subjects in nature. It is a retreating color and is halfway between Yellow and Blue.
BLUE means cool and is a primary hue associated with restfulness. It is a retreating color.
VIOLET means neither warm nor cool, it is a secondary hue associated with truth and spirituality. It is halfway between Blue and Red.
ADVANCING COLORS are when warm colors always seem closer than the cool colors.
RETREATING COLORS are when cool colors are always seem farther away than the warm colors.
Colors can only be known in VALUES. Any color may be seen at any degree if darkness, from a dark that can be hardly distinguished from black to light that is almost white.
Colors differ in INTENSITY or Vividness. Two colors may be both blue, one just as dark as the other, but one may be more intense than the other.
The 3 qualities or attributes of color are HUE, VALUE, and INTENSITY