Kashruth is the list of dietary laws adhered to by orthodox Jews. Kosher dietary laws focus on three major issues: 1) Kosher animals allowed, 2) Blood not allowed, 3) Mixing of milk and meat not allowed. Foods are sorted into one of three groups: meat, dairy, or pareve (containing neither meat nor dairy). Kosher foods include fruits, vegetables, grain products, ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and goats that have split hooves and chew their cud, chicken, turkey, goose, and certain ducks. Unclean or trief foods include carnivorous animals, birds of prey, pork (bacon, ham), fish without scales or fins (shark, eel, and shellfish such as shrimp, lobster, and crab), sturgeon, catfish, swordfish, underwater mammals, reptiles, or egg yolk containing any blood.