George Peter Murdock - family share common residence, reproduce offspring, include adults of both sexes, presence of economic cooperation, and responsible for the socialization of infants and children
Kingsley Davis - Family is a group of individuals wherein the relationship is based on consanguinityandkinship.
Talcott Parsons - family is a factory that develops and produces humanpersonalities
Bronislaw Malinowski - family i an institution that passes down the culturaltraditions of a society to the next generation
Types of Families:
Nuclear Family
Extended Family
Blended Family
Nuclear Family - type of family made up of a group of people who are united by social ties
Extended Family - type of family whose members go beyond the nuclear family made up of parents and their offspring
Blended Family - Also known as reconstituted family, step family, or complex family
Blended Family - type of family where the parents have a child or children from previous marital relationships