Cards (15)

  • Systematic desensitisation is a behavioural therapy which aims to reduce phobic anxiety to a stimulus
  • systematic desensitisation is done through the process of classical conditioning
  • The aim of therapy is to allow patients to learn to relax in the presence of the phobic stimulus
  • allowing patients to relax in the presence of their phobia is known as counterconditioning
  • It is impossible to be afraid and relaxed at the same time, so one emotion prevents the other. This is known as reciprocal inhibition
  • Process of systematic desensitisation:
    1. Anxiety hierarchy
    2. Relaxation
    3. Exposure
  • Anxiety hierarchy
    • Patient and therapist form a list
    • Least to most frightening
  • Relaxation
    • Breathing exercises
    • Imagine a relaxing situation
    • Meditate
  • Exposure
    • Patient is exposed to the phobic stimulus in a relaxed state over several sessions
    • Once they relax at lower levels, they can move up
  • STRENGTHS of systematic desensitisation
    • virtual reality- saving time and money, avoid dangerous situations
    • supported by research- Gilroy et al (2003) treated 42 arachnophobes, SD patients were more relaxed at both 3 and 33 months
  • LIMITATIONS of systematic desensitisation
    • not effective for all phobias- biological preparedness, innate phobia of heights, snakes etc
  • Flooding involves exposing patients to an extreme form of the phobic stimulus in order to reduce anxiety triggered by the stimulus, there is no gradual exposure
  • Ethical consideration of flooding
    • informed consent
    • need to be prepared and well informed
    • can be traumatic
  • LIMITATIONS of flooding
    • not effective for all phobias- social phobias may respond better to CBT
    • traumatic- Schumacher et al (2015) flooding is more stressful, attrition rates are higher
  • STRENGTHS of flooding
    • cost and time effective- Ougrin (2011) found flooding is more effective than other methods, one session, quicker and cheaper