Measuring data storage- bits & bytes

Cards (10)

  • Bit
    A single unit of digital information
  • Byte
    A set of 8 bits
  • Kilobyte (KB)
    1024 bytes
  • Megabyte (MB)

    1048 576 bytes
  • Calculating bits in 3 MB
    1. Convert 3 MB to bytes (3 x 1048 576 = 3 145 728 bytes)
    2. Convert bytes to bits (3 145 728 bytes x 8 = 25 165 824 bits)
  • 3 megabytes = 25 165 824 bits
  • Calculating bytes in 512 MB
    512 MB = 512 x 1048 576 bytes
  • Calculating bits in 512 MB
    512 MB x 8 bits/byte = 4 294 967 296 bits
  • For data transmission, the industry uses 1000 and 1000 000 for kilo and mega, respectively, and measures in bits rather than bytes
  • A 28 Mbps (megabits per second) broadband connection is 28 000 000 bits per second