The 'rural village'

Cards (4)

  • Rural villages can be categorised into 3 places:
    • Very remote areas
    • Retirement village
    • Commuter village
  • Commuter villages
    A populated area that is primarily residential rather than commercial or industrial. Routine travel from home to work and back is called commuting.
    • e.g. Braunton
    • Positives: good schools, good access to social services
    • Negatives: rising cost of hosing, increasing numbers of commuters
    • Mostly working age with children
  • Very remote areas
    An area with few transport links and poor access to outside areas and cities; very isolated.
    • e.g. Exmoor
    • Positives: good holiday locations, quiet and peaceful
    • Negatives: little entertainment, expensive accessibility
    • Mostly elderly people, very few young working people
  • Retirement villages
    A residential community or housing complex designed for older adults who are generally able to care for themselves.