Financial - Generate a profit, Provide employment for self, Financial security for self and family
Non-financial - Self satisfaction/challenge, Be own boss, Fill a gap in the market, Create employment for others
Social/community - Social enterprises are those whose prime objective is to do good in society rather than to make a profit, Surplus revenue is used to support a specific cause
The owners of a business are responsible for all of the debts of a business. Personal belongings may need to be given up to pay the debts of the business.
Services that provide mainly to businesses such as transport and warehousing, but they may also be available to individuals such as insurance and banking
Unlimited liability - responsible for debts of the business
More responsibility - relies heavily on their own ability to make decisions / may work long hours and have limited holidays, as there is no one to cover them
Raise more capital than sole traders - individuals may not be able to raise sufficient capital alone
Extra skills / expertise in business - may be able to specialise in aspects of business to provide a better service
More people to make decisions - more considered approach to running the business / more ideas which may lead to success
Shared responsibility and more flexibility - reduce pressure on individuals such as duties / working hours / able to take time off / debts / losses can be shared
Easy to set up - may involve no legal requirements / Deed of Partnership possible
A legal document which is an agreement between partners that sets out the rules of the partnership, such as how profits will be divided and how the partnership will be valued if someone wants to leave.