Skill Continua

Cards (5)

  • Open - Closed:
    Open: decisions need to be made, environmental changes e.g. a pass in football
    Closed: no decisions need to be made, environment is predictable e.g. floor routine in gymnastics
  • Self-Paced - Externally Paced:
    Self-Paced: decisions on when to start, decide speed of movement e.g. pemalty kick
    Externally Paced: external factors affect the start time, external factors affects the speed of movement e.g. shooting in netball
  • Discrete - Serial - Continuous:
    Discrete: clear beginning and end, e.g. throwing a javelin
    Serial: series of discrete skills performed in a sequence, e.g. taking a long jump (run up, take off, landing)
    Continuous: no clear beginning and end - repetitive action, e.g running
  • Gross - Fine:
    Gross: large muscle groups, e.g. rugby
    Fine: small muscle groups, e.g precisions sports - archery/darts
  • Simple - Complex:
    Simple: little information to process, e.g. 100m sprit
    Complex: lots of information to process, e.g. tennis serve