Ideology of owners ➔ beliefs/mission statements/aims
Consumer pressures, as they become more aware of environmental issues and to do business with those who share their ideas ➔ this is all important for the image of business, marketing/commercial reasons ➔ aiming to promote sales and profit, can make more profit by being ethical
Meeting government targets e.g. CO2 emissions/litter/waste ➔ avoids fines/reduces costs
Avoids bad publicity ➔ loss of customers
Concern for employees with need for safe working environment/fair pay and treatment ➔ improves worker morale/motivation ➔ improves company performance e.g. sales, customer satisfaction etc.
Concern for producers e.g. fair trade ➔ improves reputation ➔ boost sales/number of customers
Protests Resulting from Unethical Behaviour could mean
Customers with ethical principles could be put off from purchasing from the business ➔ sales revenue may fall
Competition may benefit as customers switch from non-ethical business to ethical business ➔ sales may increase for businesses not involved
Businesses may be forced to behave in a more ethical manner ➔ this could see costs rise ➔ possible increased prices if the costs are passed on to the customer
Poor reputation ➔ could lose customers/market share
Suppliers difficult to obtain ➔ less stock ➔ loss of sales revenue/profit
Benefit from improved worker morale ➔ concern for employees, with need for safe working environment / fair pay and treatment ➔ less absenteeism / lower labour turnover
Showing concern for producers, in third world countries / fair trade ➔ important for the image of the business / marketing or commercial reasons ➔ leading to increased sales with those that share concerns
Consumer pressures ➔ as they become more aware of ethical issues ➔ more likely to recommend business ➔ all important for the image of business ➔ leads to increased sales
Pressure groups ➔ less likely to give unfavourable attention to businesses who follow ethical principles
Premium prices for ethical products ➔ increased revenue
Matches beliefs of owners ➔ who have a concern for interests of suppliers / workers / customers ➔ want to make sure they do right thing
Property which cannot be seen or touched but is the result of the creativity of an individual or group, including business names, inventions, product designs, and creative works
A self-regulated organisation that regulates the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing to ensure they comply with advertising standards