-Useful to avoid issues manipulating variables would cause extensive psychological harm
-Causal conclusions are not justified as they don’t show that behaviour is so determined by biology
Pet scans
+allow a detailed look at areas of the brain and observe how different individuals process information
—Low resolution, only a recent method
+ draws conclusions by individuals with recognised impairments
-restricted as behaviour is only typical of murderer not all violent individuals
quantitative removing bias from the experiment, however ignores external factors
Alternative evidence
Yang and Raine meta analysis of 43 imaging studies support findings concluding that there is significantly reduced prevent activity in antisocial and violent individuals
Tiihonen et al provide further evidence, analysed 895 Finnish prisoners and association between MAOA gene and likelihood of committing crime
Ethics: risk participant status
Disadvantageous people with similar brain abnormalities possibly leading to imprisonment without trial. issues with labelling and prophecies research will have implications to prisoners.
Ethical: Valid consent
prisoners not mentally competent to provide valid consent and may not understand what they have to do and this is distress may lead to psychological harm
Ethics: right to withdraw
May feel pressured to continue and unable to withdraw, especially as their prisoners and won’t understand the right to withdraw
Social implications: criminal justice system
courts may use biological evidence if violence is innate, people may be presented without regard to social situation or treated with psychos surgery or drugs-> raises ethical issues
Social implications: relevant
Only relevant to a small population as murderers aren’t typical of all violent individuals