A form of stratification. A hierarchy of people based on their qualifications, status and income. There are 4 main classes: upper, middle, working and underclass.
conflict theory
refers to sociologists who believe there is a clash of interests between people of different gorups e.g. men and women, rich and poor
consensus theory
refers to sociologists who believe that society works based on everyone conforming to the rules of society
acting on your prejudice verbally or physically
where someone is from or their parents are from geographically
whether you are male or female based on society and your environment
hate crime
acts of violence or hostility towards someone because of who they are or who someone thinks they are
institutional racism
When an establishment is overtly or covertly discriminatory to someone based on their race or ethnicity.
life chances
the opportunities someone has to improve their quality of life
when you judge someone based on their behaviour or appearance. you only think this
the colour of your skin
when someone is discriminatory towards another either verbally or physically based on their skin colour or ethnicity
whether you are a boy or girl. biologically and physically