a position you are in society due to your hard work - earned your position
ascribed status
a position you are born into e.g. royal family
agencies of socialisation
different institutions/organisations which teach you how to behave in society
agencies of social control
institutions which manage people's behaviour through punishments and rewards - some are informal and formal
in the traditional family the man should go to work and earn the money
a group of people who share the same values and beliefs e.g. language,food
culture relativity
the way cultures do things differently e.g. the way they greet people,
cultural universals
the way cultures do hings the same way e.g. show respect to elders
the father should play this role. he should reward and punish children
dominant culture
a way of life that most people in society follow
a group of sociologist who fight for equality between men and women
radical femenists
believe that men support women's oppression to maintain control. believe sexism is so deeply rooted that we should eliminate the concept of gender
liberal femenists
focus on equal rights of men and women especially in regards to the workplace, law and society
marxist femeists
believe that women who are also poor have more barriers to deal with in order to thrive
formal social control
agents who manage people behaviour in a severe manner e.g. the police
gender role
the part you play as a male or female
gender discrimination
being treated differently due to being male or female
gender socialisation
learning how to behave as a male or female
glass ceiling
the idea that women only get far in thier career as society is patriarchal. they want men to be in power
what makes you who you are e.g. your ethnicity
informal social control
agencies manage your behaviour in a more lenient manner e.g. family,education
knowing the difference between right and wrong
nature/nurture theory
the argument whether you are born a certain way or you are brought up a certain way.
those who believe in nature theory are biologists who believe we behave the way we do because of our genes/we are born that way.
those who believe in the nurture theory are sociologists and believe we behave the way we do because of our upbringing and environment
norm/social behaviour
what is acceptable in society
unwritten rules of society
this is a female's role to look after the child
role conflict
when you have 2 positions in society which class occasionally .e.g. if you are a mother and teacher you may have parents evening but also have to collect your child
primary socialisation
the first stage of learning how to be part of society. this happens between 0-5. the main agency is parents. you learn how to walk,talk, get potty trained
secondary socialisation
the second stage of learning how to part of society. this happens between 6-15. some of the agencies are media,education and peers. you learn how to talk to people your own age and different ages.
social mobility
being able to move up and down your social class
your position in society
a general idea about a group of people
a group of people who decide to have different lifestyle to the majority of society e.g. hippies, goths
beliefs that are seen to be important e.g. honesty