that many memories in our ltm are actually reconstructive memories - a mix of real memory and assumptions made by schematical information filling in memory gaps.
Bartlett's theory - schema definition.
knowledge made by assumptions and stereotypes from our life experiences.
Bartlett's theory - how it was tested.
used war of ghosts story - gave a story both very culturally different for either groups and looked at how they interpreted it - called distortion (changing it).
Bartlett's theory - the 3 ways within distortion.
confabulation - changing it due to a cultural influence. levelling - changing the story to make it shorter, usually as a result of skim reading. rationalisation - changing the story to make it make sense to them.
Bartlett's theory - evaluate for S!
war of ghosts. brewer and treyens - used an office setting to see the influence of schemas, found they would say expected things but also things what they have personally seen. Bransford and Johnson supports too!
Bartlett's theory - evaluate for C!
stevyers and hemmer - argue that depending if the scene is natural or unnatural this may make the error rate higher if unnatural.
Bartlett's theory - evaluate for U!
useful for showing that ltm can be inaccurate and why. explains why eye-witness testimony carry risks - bank robbery etc!
bartlett's theory - evaluate for T!
war of ghosts is highly unscientific and has no mundane realism - unnatural setting. but theory can be tested by experiments.