How did Progressives want the Government to handle business? What was the one exception?
They didn't want the government to handle a lot of business except for public utilities to avoid taxation on them.
What was the purpose of Government social welfare programs?
Ensure minimum standards of living for all people - unemployment benefits, health insurance, social security for elder and injured.
What is home rule? What did it hope to abolish?
Allowed cities some autonomy and freedom from state Government. Hoped to abolish corruption.
How did civil service lead to municipal reform?
Opposed political bosses based on merit.
How did the response by the city of Galveston to the Hurricane of 1900 convince cities to change their municipal structure?
Emergency commission set up to rebuild city - did so efficiently that the city got rid of it's mayor and aldermen. They were replaced with city council and professional city manager.
How did reformers believe essential utilities should be handled?
Taken out of the hands of private businesses; 2 out of 3 cities controlled utilities such as water, gas, and electricity.
What were some of the welfare services started in cities? What was the aim of these reforms?
Public baths, parks, work-relief, playgrounds, free kindergarten, lodging. The goal was to improve work condition and people would become better and more involved citizens.
In what ways did the Progressives want to make statewide reforms?
Remove party bosses, return power to the citizens, regulate business, provide social welfare.
How does a direct primary work? Who introduced this?
Governor Robert La Follette in Wisconsin; citizens select nominees for office instead of party bosses.
What are initiatives?
Citizens put new laws on ballot.
What is referendum and recall?
Approval or rejection of laws by votes and removal of public officials from office before the end of term.
What were established to deal with accidents in the workplace?
Labor Departments and Accident Insurance established.
Why did business fight Government intervention? How did the courts rule?
They said it violated the right to contract with workers and took it to court. The court agreed with the businesses.
What did the Lochner v. New York case state?
Court struck down on a law limiting hours for bakers.
By what year had most states abolished child labor?
By 1907. Child labor laws were for children under 14.
What were Bob La Follette's goals as Governor of Wisconsin?
He was Governor from 1901 - 1906. He tried to clean up the Government and increase social welfare. He was Senate from 1906 - 1925; ran for President in 1924.
How did La Follette accomplish some of his goals?
He had academics create programs and had voting roll call read public ally to force politicians to explain their votes.
How did President Roosevelt help end the coal miner's strike in 1902?
Forced sides into arbitration - threatened to seize mines from owners.
What was the solution to the coal miner's strike? What did it become known as?
Arbitrators received a 10% raise and the work day was reduced from 10 hours to 9.
How did the Roosevelt administration treat large corporations?
Filed 42 anti-trust suits - Standard Oil among others were forced to recognize.
What did the Hepburn Act do?
1906 - Strengthened Interstate Commerce Commission and authorized ICC to set and limit railroad rates - 1st regulatory agency.
Who pressured Roosevelt to do more for the environment?
Naturalists John Wesley Powell and John Muir.
What two National Parks were established in the late 19th century?
Yellowstone in 1872 and Yosemite in 1890.
How much land did Roosevelt set aside for future federal lands?