Literature liberates people from Political oppression, social injustice, economic inequality, and emotional inhibition as reflected in short, stories, novels, dramas, essays, and other literary genres
Literature is the beautiful expression of man's personal interpretation of some aspect of human life, or a wording out in a unique, beautiful, and personal manner of saying what the author thinks is a passionate meaning of life
A story of origins, how the world and everything in it came to be. It orients people to the metaphysicaldimension, attempts to explaintheoriginsandnature of the world, as well as a certain custom or practice of a human society, validates social issues, and on the psychological plane, addresses oneself to the innermost depths of the psyche
A kindoffolktale or fable. In this story, we meet witches and queens, giants and elves, princes, dragons, talking animals, ogres, princesses, and sometimes even fairies. Marvelous and magicalthingshappen to characters in fairy tales
A fictionalprosenarrative of considerablelength, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, andthoughts of numerouscharacters placed in a number of different situations
A piece of art written by a poet in meter or verse expressing various emotions which are expressed by the use of variety of techniquesincludingmetaphor, similes and onomatopoeia
A comparativelyshort, non-narrative poem in which a single speaker presents a state of mind of an emotional state. It retains some of the elements of song which is said to be its origin
A drama in which a heroic protagonist meets an unhappyorcalamitousend, brought about by some fatal flaw of character by circumstances outside his or her control, or simply by destiny
A brief work of nonfiction that offersanopiniononasubject. The purpose of an essay may be to express ideas and feelings, to analyze, to inform, to entertain, or to persuade