In 1892 , the german chemist. Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner classified the elements with similar properties into groups called triads
In 1864 , an industrial chemist, John Newlands arranged the elements in increasing atomic weight
In 1869 , Russian chemist, Dmitri mendeleev published hir arrangement of the know elements in vertical columns also in order of increasing atomic weights
Newlans had a musical training so he compared this periodic repetition of properties to octaves and called a the law of octaves
The german chemist, Julius lothar meyer prepared a periodic table that closely resembles the table of Mendeleev, but he presented his result graphically
In 1913 , Henry mosely , a young british physicist determined the atomic number of the elements. Mosely findings led to the modification of the periodic table by order of increasingatomicnumber
In september 1997 , the international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) resovled the debate on six laboratory made elements
Glenn Seaborg was the first living scientist to have an element named after him. He was also the only person who recieved malt addressed only in elements;
The most commonly used form of periodic table now is called thelong form
The vertical columns of the modern periodical table are referred to as groups or families
The horizontal rows of periodical table are referred to as periods
Group1A to 8A are the representativeelements
Group1A elements except H are called alkali metals
Group2A are referred to as alkaline earth metals
Group7A elements are called haloges which means 'salt formers'
Group9A are called the noble or rare or inert gases
Group3A is sometimes called the boron group
Group4A the carbon group
Group5A called the nitrogen group
Group6 called the oxygen group or chalcogens
Elements can be classified into four different categories according to their electron configuration:
Noble gas
Representative elements
Inner transition metals
Transition metals
The noble gases are elements that belong to group 8A. Elements in this group are sometimes called inert gases because they do not readily participate in many chemical reaction.
The representationelements are usally called the Group A elements, They are the elements whose outermost s or p sublevels are only partially field
The transitionmetals are called the group B elements,They are the elements whose outermost s sublevels are filled and electrons are added to the d orbitals
The innertransitionmetals are sometimes known as transition elements. They are the elements whose electrons are being added to f orbitals