SAT vocab

Cards (25)

  • accolade: high praise, noun
  • accretion: slow growth in size or amt, noun
  • adroit: skillful, adjective
  • balk: to stop or block abruptly, verb
  • bard: poet often a singer, noun
  • beguile: to trick or deceive, verb
  • bilk: cheat defraud scam, verb
  • cajole: to urge or coax, verb
  • candor: honesty, noun
  • carp: to annoy or pester, verb
  • catalyze: to charge or inspire, verb
  • cavort: jump or dance excitedly, verb
  • disavow: deny knowledge or responsibility, verb
  • discursive: rambling, adj
  • dispel: drive away or scatter, verb
  • emend: to correct or revise written text, verb
  • eschew: to shun or avoid, verb
  • extricate: to disentangle from a difficult situation, verb
  • facile: easy, adj. OR. achieved with minimal thought, care, adj.
  • guile: deceitful, sly, noun
  • harrowing: greatly distressing, adj
  • impecunious: poor (wealth), adj
  • implicate: incriminate, be involved in an incriminating way, verb
  • linchpin: something that holds separate parts together, noun
  • mendacious: having a lying or false character, adj