Accessibility to resources - sun, solar panel + wind turbines
Climate - lack of rainfall, natural disasters
Pests and disease
Human factors for population distribution
Employment, stable government - police support + regulations
Crime, social security
Housing + education
Transport + infrastructure
Population Distribution
The spread of a population in a given area, can either be densely, moderately or sparsely distributed
Forced/voluntary disperal of a population sharing common ethnic/cultural or racial identity that have let their settled territory and migrated to a new area
Population Density
The number of people living in a given area, calculated by the population of the area and expressed in number of people per km2
53% of population lives in urban areas
UN predicts that by 2030 this will have become 60%
85% of people live in the Northern Temperate Zone
More than 2/3 of land inhabitated has more than 20 people per km2
85% of people live below 500m
40% of people live within 100 km of an ocean
Increased population in countries with lack of contraceptives
Africa's population will increase faster than that of Europe
Internal migration
Movement of people with an country either from rural -> urban, urban -> rural, r->r or u->u
Positives of internal migration on the region of origin
Unemployment decreases
Decrease in people in area - meaning less demand on services which will increase its quality
Money made by those left will be sent back to family members left behind
Negatives of internal migration on the region of origin
Brain drainage
Social problems remain for those left behind
Local business might suffer as decrease in customers
Loss of socio-cultural traditions
Positives of internal migration on the destination
Bring innovation
Enriched with diversity and experiences
Job vacancies are filled
Attracts more investment - FDI
Negatives of internal migration on the destination
Once limit reached can lead to unemployment
More security needed as crime might increase
Increased pressure on health care
Increased competition of wages
Migrants might be exploited
Integration difficulties -> tensions
34% of children under 1 die in rural vs 14% in urban
44K income in urban vs 19K in rural
Better access to resources in urban areas e.g coast
Rural suffers from brain drainage - so can't develop either
Most move from the central to east -> Gaomonduing attracts more than Beijing
Not much movement between the two
Rural -> urban
150 million hukuo migrants - e.g have to pay higher rent, To control the amount of migrants, Might suffer from discrimination and be seen as inferior
Cities that have more than 10 million people, Predicted that by 2030 there will be 30, Causes economic hub + global connections
Advantages of megacities
Source of innovation
Employment increases in the population
Increased access to tech + ICT
Increase range of infrastructure
Good transport routes
Good and services are easily available
Disadvantages of megacities
Slum development due to lack of housing
Air pollution
Not enough jobs available
Population of Lagos is 20 million -> 88 million by 2100
Lagos contributes 60% of economic growth and 80% of Nigeria's industries
Pull factors for migration to Lagos
Economic opportunites
Health care and raise standard of living
Education -68% got to secondary school in icty, in the rural 40% don't even attend primary
2 seaports + international airport
Access to electricty + clean drinking water
Roads aren't made to sustain the masses - 5million cars - 40% of population own one
Increase in poluution, noise and traffic
Dangerous level of air pollution - causing repsiraoty problems
No proper waste management system, although the city produces 13 million kilos of waste per day
Traffic hours avg. of 4 hours
Bus Rapid Transit implementented, Decreases car usage, 200K passangers a day
Wants to become the African model megacity
Poor are more unstable, Forced out of their homes by the state, No compensation and relocated to areas with worse conditions