Seperation of powers

Cards (15)

  • Central UK government is known as what branch?
  • Parliament is known as what branch?
  • courts and tribunals are known as what branch?
  • The branches of government not being contained to just UK level, existing above and below this level is known as what?
    multilayered constitution
  • ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ who’s quote is this?
    Lord Acton
  • What is the goal of seperation of powers?
    avoiding tyranny
  • James Madison (4th president of the US): 'The accumulation in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of Tyranny.'
  • Crystal clear divisions of branches not to be crossed in any circumstance. This is know as?
    pure seperation of powers
  • Clear divisions of branches with breaches to considered as positive or negative, with their acceptability being weighted upon this metric. This is known as?
    partial seperation of powers
  • Breach contributing to the overall goal against tyranny. eg. Judiciary rejecting laws proposed by the exectutive for incompatibility with human rights law. this is known as?
    constructive breaches
  • Breaches that are deplored against, reducing the attainment of the goal to reduce tyranny. this is know as a ?
    destructive breach
  • Before 2009 what was the role of the Lord chancellor?
    • head of the judiciary
    • member of cabinet
    • speaker of the House of Lords
  • Before 2009 what was the highest court?
    House of Lords
  • what Act changed the role of the Lord chancellor and replaced the House of Lords as the highest court?
    constitutional reform act 2005
  • What court replaced the house of Lords?
    Supreme Court