
Cards (24)

  • Self- essence of a person
  • self is the union of elements namely: body, thoughts, emotions, or sensations
  • self awareness is how an individual consciously understand his or her own character, feelings, motives, and desires
  • self concept of carl rogers it is one's idea about himself or herself towards his or her unique personality, about his or her set of values, point of views and behaviors
  • self image- understand and view ourselves on experiences, perceptions, evaluation
  • self esteem- our value and worth that we attribute to ourselves
  • ideal self- person that you would like to be
  • real self- who you really are
  • ideal self- who you would like to be
  • embracing adolescence- the period of transition between childhood and adulthood
  • chracteristic is about you that sets you apart from others
  • experiences something you have learned from doing things before
  • habit is something you o on regular basis
  • Personality- set of behaviors, feelings, thoights, and motives that identifies an individual
  • person- biological structure or composition of a human being
  • nature- heredity
    influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors
  • nurture- environmental
    influence of external factors after conception. The product of exposure, experince, and learning
  • Trait Theory- an approach in identifying types of personalities based on certain traits or attributes
  • five factor model
    1. openness
    2. conscientiousness
    3. agreeable
    4. extraversion
    5. neuroticism
  • openness- imagination and insight. Curiosity, interest, imagination, and creativity to new ideas
  • conscientiousness- high leves of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal- directed behavior. SCIENTIST-- planning and organizing
  • agreeable- high prosocial behavior, helping other people- friendly, generous, trusting
  • extraversion- gets energze in company of other. Talkative, outgoing, sociable
  • neuroticism- sadness, moodiness, emotional instability. physcial and emotinal response to stress