Cards (15)

  • Nutrition
    refers to the intake of food in relation to the body's dietary needs.
  • Nutrients
    are substances in food that provide body energy nescessary for growth and repair of cells.
  • Fats
    serve as an insulator or to keep us warm
  • Malnutrition
    is any condition in which an individuals intaike of nutrients is inadequate, excessive, or imbalance
  • Carbohydrates
    Main source of energy
  • Micronutrient deficiency
    is the lack or shortage of essential vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development
  • Protein-energy malnutrition
    is a form of malnutrition where there is not enough protein and calorie intake
  • Eating Disorder
    is a term used to describe illness characterized by disturbance in attitudes and behaviors of eating, body weight, and body image
  • Vitamin A
    Maintains healthy skin, bones, teeth and hair, aids vision
  • Vitamin B6
    Helps make red blood cells
  • Vitamin B12
    Helps maintain nerve cells
  • Vitamin E
    Antioxidant needed for stabilization of cell membranes
  • Vitamin C
    Aids in bone, teeth, and skin formation and resistance to infection
  • Folate
    aids in the formation of red blood cells and protein
  • Minerals
    Help in regulating the chemical reactions in the body