Cards (257)

  • Immunology can be defined as the study of a host's reactions when foreign substances are introduced into the body. Such foreign substances that induce a host response are called antigens
  • Variolation
    The process of preventing smallpox infection by inhaling powder made from smallpox scabs
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has already declared smallpox and rinderpest officially eradicated
  • Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)

    The virus causing chickenpox, a milder version of smallpox
  • Edward Jenner
    The first one to develop the first ever vaccine in the world, the smallpox vaccination
  • Jenner hypothesized that milkmaids never acquired smallpox due to their exposure to cows and cowpox
  • Vaccinia virus
    The scientific term for the cowpox virus
  • Cross Immunity
    The principle behind Jenner's discovery of the smallpox vaccine, where exposure to a certain virus or a certain related virus can offer protection to a related virus
  • The term "vaccine" came from the word "vacca" which means cow
  • Louis Pasteur
    The Father of Immunology, successful in making different vaccines against chicken cholera, anthrax, and rabies
  • Pasteur's development of the rabies vaccine
    Getting a dog's spinal cord, drying other spinal cords of dogs, and making a series of 12 injections to a boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog
  • Pasteur produced the rabies vaccine through a mistake or error in one of his experiments
  • Attenuation
    The process of making a pathogen less virulent through heat, aging, or chemical means
  • Attenuation remains the basis for many of the immunizations that are used today
  • Pathogenicity
    The ability of a microbe to cause infection
  • Immunogenicity
    The ability of a microbe to stimulate antibody production or immune response
  • Haeckel was the first one to study phagocytosis, observing white blood cells digesting dye particles
  • Elie Metchnikoff
    The Champion of Cellular Immunity, Nobel Prize Awardee who elucidated the steps of phagocytosis
  • Phagocytosis
    The process of cell eating, meaning cells that eat cells
  • Emil von Behring & Kitasato
    The Champions of Humoral Immunity, Nobel Prize Awardees who discovered the anti-tetanus antitoxin and anti-diphtheria antitoxin
  • Humor
    A body fluid (e.g. aqueous humor and vitreous humor)
  • Antibodies are present in body fluids
  • Robert Koch
    Demonstrated cutaneous hypersensitivity, discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's Bacillus)
  • Koch's attempt to make a vaccine against tuberculosis by using attenuated vaccine resulted in the death of his test animals instead of protection
  • In response to infection with tuberculosis, a cutaneous type of hypersensitivity is mounted
  • Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin
    Discovered the first successful vaccine against tuberculosis, Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG)
  • Gruber and Durham
    Discovered the agglutination reactions
  • Agglutination reactions
    One of the most common serologic tests used in screening many diseases
  • Ferdinand Widal
    Devised an agglutination reaction for the diagnosis of typhoid fever, the Widal Test
  • Paul Ehrlich
    Developed the antibody formation theory
  • Karl Landsteiner
    Discovered the ABO Blood Group, without which there would be no successful blood transfusion today
  • Blood typing is basically an agglutination reaction
  • Paul Portier and Charles Richet
    Discovered anaphylaxis, the most severe form of allergy that can cause death
  • Almoth Wright, Stephen Douglas, Joseph Denys
    Nobel Prize Awardees who discovered opsonins and described their relation to phagocytosis
  • Opsonins
    Substances that coat microbes to make them more prone to phagocytosis
  • Von Pirquet and Schick
    Described the relationship of immunity and hypersensitivity
  • Pfeiffer and Buchner
    Discovered complement-mediated cytolysis
  • Jules Bordet
    Nobel Prize Awardee, pioneered works on complement, the principal soluble mediator of inflammation
  • Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin
    Discovered the polio vaccine
  • George Snell
    Worked out the genetics of the murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and generated the congenic strains needed for its biologic analysis