Luftwaffe carried out large scale attacks against RAF to achieve air superiority.
Reason: destroy their ability to fly and fight back
When did the Germans launch the Blitz?
Bombed British cities from September 1940 to May 1941
Impacts of the Blitz?
Huge losses of life
Great damage to houses, docks, factories and warehouses
Britain's response to the Blitz?
kept a grim willingness and did not surrender
Why was the Battle of Britain a disadvantaged fight for Germany?
Battle fought in Britain - British pilots regenerate and fly again while German pilots captured as POWs once shot down
Result: 500 British pilots and 2700 German pilots died (HUGE DIFFERENCE)
3. Operation Barbarossa (1941)
Hitler always wanted to destroy communism + expand into Eastern Europe andUSSR (access to vast resources like oil) - pact between USSR and Germany won't last
When was Operation Barbarossa launched?
June 1941
Initially, Germany seemed successful:
Stalin on verge of abandoning Moscow (Sep 1941) but Germans unable to overwhelm USSR fast enough + harsh Russian winter halted German troops
Significance of Russian winter - extremely cold - weapons and people freeze - if German continued fighting, it was suicide as they'll be fighting against USSR soldiersused and familiar with the cold
What did Stalin do during the Russian winter?
reorganise USSR war effort + with help of US lend-lease resources - managed to put up strong resistance against Germany on Eastern front
4. Operation Overlord: D-Day (1944)
Date of landings?
6 June 1944 - Day allied forces landed on heavily fortified coasts of Normandy
By then:
Musollini had fallen
He signed armistice with allies (Sep 1943) and rejoined war on Allies' side
Significance: Germany isolated against Allies
Allies succeeded due to:
Overwhelming resources
Effective planning and leadership
Details of what D-Day brought:
130k allied troops across English Channel by sea + 23k by air
Reinforced 1. with tanks, weapons, ammunition and other war essentials
Around 13k aircrafts (VS G's 400) pounded radar installations, rail links, bridges - cut off reinforcements for Germany
Significance: Allies had much more resources than G (obliterate them)
Which 5 areas were attacked by Allied forces?
Utah (easiest to clear), Omaha (fierciest German resistance - heavy allied casualties), Gold, Juno and Sword
Significance of controlling the beach?
control who enters and leaves
gain as much territory as possible for follow up allied forces
Beach landing impact:
devastating loss of allied soldiers (around 70 to 80%)
allies still won - shows how shockingly big the number of soldiers they had was
5. Victory in Europe
Germany tried launching counterattack (Dec 1944) with new equipment (guided missles, jet aircraft etc...) but couldn't stop allies
Soviets managed to stop germany advancement + won in Stalingrad (early 1943) - Germany forced to retreat
When did USSR encircle Berlin by?
Jan 1945
Where did US and Britain forces meet with USSR at?
Germany's River Elbe
When did Germany surrender and what did that mean?
8 May 1945 - war in Europe ended
Fall of France
What did France have that Germany did not?
larger army and air force + supported by british expeditionary force and royal air force
What happened in late may?
B and Fsurrounded + facing total defeat
What did B and F forces do?
retreated to Channel Coast in region around Dunkirk port where they were highly vulnerable
What could the German forces have done when allies retreated?
severely destroy britain and france
What happened instead?
some hitler generals wanted to slow down to consolidate german forces so they not vulnerable so Hitler ordered to stop (if he didn't, B and F could have surrendered) - soldiers in dunkirkeventually rescued