The study of earth, geological agents and processes, identification of rocks and minerals, structural relationship of earth formations, and stratification to the foundations for engineering
Sedimentary Petrology focuses on composition and texture of sedimentary rocks (derived from other rocks, biological or chemical deposits, bound together in a matrix or finer material)
Metamorphic Petrology focuses on composition and texture of metamorphic rock (started out as igneous or sedimentary that undergone chemical, mineralogy, or textural changes due to pressure and temperature)
The rigidouter layer. The solid part of earth has two parts: crust and uppermantle. Sits on the asthenosphere. It is the rocky and solid portion of crust, made up of oxygen and silicon
A solid rock that flowsslowly. It is a layer below the lithosphere, also called "plastic-like". It may be solid or liquid and malleable. The Tectonic Plates, broken down into 19 pieces that move on the top of the asthenosphere