
Cards (9)

    An acronym for helping students navigate the ethical waters of their digital world
    1. Take care of technology equipment
    2. Explore appropriate and safe sites for learning and research
    3. Copyright law, Fair Use Act and Creative Commons matter
    4. Help prevent cyberbullying
    5. Self-image is important
    6. Make use of netiquette
    7. Always give credit to original source
    8. Remember to be effective, thoughtful and ethical digital creators
    9. Think
  • Understanding ethical issues of technology in the classroom and remembering TECH SMART helps students become ethical citizens in a digital world
  • With malware and viruses running rampant, students must learn to watch what they download, click and share.
    Take care of technology equipment.
  • Many websites contain inaccurate or false information. Teachers can provide a list of approved websites. Students need to learn how to evaluate websites and assess whether they can trust the content.

    Explore appropriate and safe sites for learning and research.
  • Students learn how to copy and paste without realizing the copyright implications. Understanding copyright and related laws will help ensure students follow the rules in using and sharing content.

    Copyright law, Fair Use Act and Creative Commons matter.
  • Netiquette comprises the rules of an online community. Sloppy writing in online forums, device distraction while in conversation, and sending of unsolicited emails are a few examples of poor netiquette.
    Make use of netiquette.
  • Like citing references in term papers, students learn about the importance of using online citations to respect copyright laws and issue plagiarism.
    Always give credit to original source.
  • Teachers can incorporate assignments that use digital tools in the classroom. This allows students to learn how to use technology responsibly with teacher oversight.
    Remember to be effective, thoughtful and ethical digital creators.