Cards (25)

  • No one has the right to hold you in slavery
  • No one has the right to torture you
  • You have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law
  • We are all equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law
  • You have the right to seek legal help if your rights are violated
  • No one has the right to wrongly imprison you or force you to leave your country
  • You have the right to a fair and public trial
  • Everyone is innocent until proven guilty
  • You have the right to privacy no one can interfere with your reputation family home or correspondence
  • You can travel wherever you want
  • You have the right to seek asylum in another country if you are being persecuted in your own country
  • Everyone has the right to a nationality
  • All adults have the right to marriage and to raise a family
  • You have the right to own property
  • Everyone has the right to belong to a religion
  • Freedom of expression you have the right to free thought and to voice your opinions to others
  • Everyone has the right to gather as a peaceful assembly
  • Democracy you have the right to help choose and to take part in governing your own country directly or through chosen representatives
  • You have the right to social security and are entitled to economic social and cultural help from your government
  • Workers rights every adult has the right to a job a fair wage and to join a trade union
  • You have the right to leisure and rest from work
  • Everyone has the right to an adequate of living for themselves and their family
  • Everyone has the right to education
  • Your intellectual property as an artist or scientist should be protected
  • We are all entitled to social order so we can enjoy this rights