Specific glycoproteins (antigens or agglutinogens) present on the outer surface of the RBC plasma membrane.
Antigens of the ABO blood groups are accompanied by plasma proteins called antibodies (agglutinins).
Blood typing is done so you can safely receive a blood transfusion or a transplant.
Your blood type must closely match the blood type of the blood you are receiving.
If the blood types do not match:
Your immune system will see the donated red blood cells as foreign.
Antibodies will develop against the donated red blood cells and attack these blood cells.
The two ways that your blood and the donated blood may not match are:
A mismatch between blood types A, B, AB, and O. This is the most common form of a mismatch.
In most cases, the immune response is very severe. Rh factor may not match
Blood typing is very important during pregnancy. Careful testing can prevent a severe anemia in the newborn and jaundice.
Problems can arise when the fetus’s blood has the Rh factor and the mother’s blood does not.
Sensitization can occur any time the fetus’s blood mixes with the mother’s blood .
May make antibodies to the Rhantigens in the baby’s blood antibodies can cross the placenta and attack your baby’s blood.
They break down the fetus’s red blood cells and produce hemolytic anemia.
Rhogam ® is given to pregnant women who have had sensitization to the Rh factor. It contains anti-D antibody which prevents the mother from making her own antibodies to the Rh factor.
If the mother possesses a Rh factor negative blood type while the newborn has a Rh factor positive blood type, an incompatible blood type situation arises, which has been a common cause to severe neonataljaundice.
RhO (D) immune globulin, or RhIG for short, is a biological class of medications primarily used in the management of Rh-negative pregnancies, which occur when the client has Rh-negative blood, while the fetus has Rh-positive blood.
around the 28th week of pregnancy to prevent sensitization stops the body from making Rh antibodies.
it’s only helpful if the body hasn’t already made Rh antibodies.
Type AB contains antigens A and B
Type B contains antigen B
Type A contains antigen A
Type O contains no antigen
The universal red cell donor has Type O negative blood.
Approximately 45 percent of Caucasians are type O (positive or negative), but 51 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanics are type O. Minority and diverse populations, therefore, play a critical role in meeting the constant need for blood.
Types O negative and O positive are in high demand. Only 7% of the population are O negative. However, the need for O negative blood is the highest because it is used most often during emergencies. The need for O+ is high because it is the most frequently occurring blood type (37% of the population).
The universalplasma donor has Type AB blood
Angle of Injection:
ID = 5 to 15 degrees
SC = 45 to 90 degrees
IM = 90 degrees
Agglutination occurs when two different types of cells come together due to their surface characteristics.
Subcutaneous injections are typically well-tolerated and require minimal training for healthcare professionals
The dermal layer of the skin is thinner and more vascularized than the subcutaneous tissue
What is the vaccine for tuberculosis? BCG or Bacillus Calmette-Gerin
PPD stands for? Purified Protein Derivative test
Both are under ID injections
intramuscular immunization route is particularly suitable for vaccines that require a robust immune response such as for:
The muscle tissue has a rich blood supply which facilitates the rapid absorption and distribution of the vaccine components. Meaning that IM is the fastest in terms of spreading what you are injecting.
oral vaccines are swallowed and enter the digestive system to stimulate an immune response. For example: Oral Polio Vaccine