
Cards (6)

  • Bowlby's monotropy theory

    Infants have an innate drive to form a strong attachment to their mother, which is vital for survival. This forms an internal working model for future relationships.
  • Bowlby's ideas have been applied to early childcare practices, but his view of the father's role as secondary and the claim of permanent damage from lack of monotropy are outdated
  • Bowlby argues the father's role is to provide resources for the family while the mother's monotropic role is crucial
  • Monotropy may exaggerate the importance of the mother as a primary caregiver and underestimate the role of the father
  • Brazelton et al - support for social releasers
    • babies trigger interactions with adults using social releasers
    • when instructing PAF to ignore their child they became increasingly distressed
    • shows they are important in attach development
  • Bailey et al - 99 mothers

    • Measured mothers' attachment to their PAF and then assessed their attachment to their babies.
    • Poor attachments with PAF = more likely poor attachments to infants