Cards (10)

  • Murray & Herrnstein
    • Some people are born predisposed to aggression and argumentativeness so are more likely to commit crime if not socialised into acceptable behaviours
    • Low IQ means that they cannot foresee the consequences of their actions
  • Parsons
    • Men are suited to 'instrumental' roles that require competition, aggression, and achievement
    • Women are more suited for 'expressive' roles that emphasise care and emotions
    • Implies that men are better for paid employment and women for domesticity
  • Simpson
    • Gay men 'degayed' in 'hetrospaces' and acted flamboyantly in 'homospaces', showing that norms depend on place
  • Ghuman
    • British Asian parents have different values to white British parents
    • More emphasis on respect, humility, and loyalty
  • Sharpe - longitudinal study
    • 1970s women valued marriage, love, and children
    • 1990s women prioritised careers, money, and travel
  • Oakley - gender role construction
    • Role modelling - girls watch their mothers, boys watch their fathers
    • Manipulation and canalisation - steered towards gender identities through their interests and toys
  • Gillies
    • Middle-class parents used a range of resources and positive sanctions to support their children's education
    • MC focused on social skills and education, WC focused on emotional strength and coping with injustice
  • McRobbie & Garber
    • Young girls are socialised into a 'bedroom culture' whilst boys are encouraged to go outside
  • Murray
    • Single parent families (90% mothers) are inadequate socialisers due to the lack of a strong father figure who can discipline them better
    • Underclass has a culture of crime and delinquency
  • Feral children
    • Genie Wiley = confined to a small room without human interaction, couldn't walk or talk when found
    • Oxana Malaya = raised by dogs, barked and walked on all fours