Boston Matrix

Cards (6)

  • Market share
    does the product being sold have a high or low market share?
  • Market growth
    are the potential customers in the market growing or not?
  • Stars
    • High growth products competing in markets where they are strong compared with the competition.
    • Often stars need heavy investment to sustain growth.
    • Eventually growth will slow down and start will eventually become cash cows.
  • Cash Cows
    • Low-market growth products with a high market share.
    • Relatively little need for investment.
    • Mature and successful products.
  • Question Mark
    • High market growth operating in a low market share.
    • Suggest that the product has potential but requires a substantial amount of investment to grow more market share at the expense of larger competitors.
  • Dogs
    • Refers to products with low market shares and unattractive low market growth.
    • Makes enough to break even but rarely ever worth investing in.
    • usually sold or closed