Adjuvant technology

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  • Adjuvant
    Any material that enhances the cellular and/or humoral immune response to an antigen
  • Adjuvants
    • Elicit an earlier, more potent and longer-lasting, immunological reaction against co-administered antigen
    • Can facilitate administration of reduced quantities of antigen to achieve an adequate immunological response
  • Many vaccine preparations on their own stimulate a poor host immunological response, particularly subunit vaccines
  • Characteristics of an ideal adjuvant
    • Safety (no unacceptable local/systemic responses)
    • Elicit protective immunity even against weak immunogens
    • Non-pyrogenic
    • Chemically defined (facilitates consistent manufacture and QC testing)
    • Effective in infants/young children
    • Yield stable formulation with antigen
    • Biodegradable
    • Non-immunogenic itself
  • Depot formation of antigen
    Slow release of the antigen from the site of injection, ensuring prolonged exposure to the immune system
  • Enhanced antigen presentation
    Direct induction of immune stimulatory substances, most notably interleukins and other cytokines
  • Gamma globulins
    A class of proteins in the blood, containing antibodies
  • Gamma globulin injections

    • Provide temporary protection against certain infections
    • Provide passive immunity (unlike vaccines which stimulate the body's own immune system)
  • Gamma globulin injections can help boost a patient's immune system temporarily, and may be used to treat immunological diseases
  • Measles
    A contagious viral illness that usually causes a red, non-itchy rash over most of the body
  • Measles
    • Other symptoms are similar to the common cold, such as high fever, sneezing, sore throat, coughing, swollen glands, red and irritated eyes, tiredness, and loss of appetite
    • Measles infection does not cause birth defects, but pregnant women have a greater chance of miscarrying, delivering prematurely, or delivering a stillborn baby
    • Babies, older adults, and people with impaired immune systems are at greater risk for complications such as ear infections, strep throat, pneumonia, or encephalitis
  • Measles used to be common in children, but the measles vaccine has drastically reduced the number of cases