Gay men 'degayed' in 'hetrospaces' and acted more flamboyantly in 'homospaces'
The Kinsey Report
Large US survey found that 37% of men engaged in a homosexual relationship to the point of orgasm but low number identified as gay (illegal at the time)
Saying 'I am gay' is a powerful statement but to say 'I am hetrosexual' is not
Sexual identity is complex and sometimes contradictory - many gay people hadn't had a same-sex relationship
Women are socialised into heterosexuality and lesbianism is portrayed as 'unnatural' - 'compulsoryheterosexuality'
Female sexuality is oppressed by patriarchal institutions like marriage and sexual violence as lesbianism is a threat to male dominance
There are expectations that gay men must conform to in Western culture to fulfil their role
E.g. effeminate mannerism and attention to appearance
How sexuality is expressed is dependent on current social discourse
Homosexuality was seen as deviant in the 1950s but is more normalised now - shown in changes to laws
More representation - Heartstopper series
1967 - decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales
2010 - Equality Act stops discrimination against gay people
2014 - gay marriage legalised
New hypersexual culture as a result of the portrayal of women in digital media
Gives young boys unrealistic expectations and too much pressure on young girls
There is a 'sex recession' as a result of pornography
Too much pressure on individuals due to new sex norms
Took 'Sex holidays' as if it were a job
Decrease in 'cultural homophobia' partly due to progressive government action and changes in legislation
More normalised in media - gay celebrities and characters