How does water and minerals get absorbed by roots?
Water and minerals are absorbed by root hairs which are found in the roots. These root hairs absorb water and minerals from the soil by increasing the surface area of the roots to absorb water and minerals that are dissolved in the soil.
Describe how water is transported from the roots to the leaves.
Water is transported by the xylem vessels, from the roots to the leaves. It is then evaporated from the leaves (transpiration).
Use of water in plants:
Plants need water because their cells use water for photosynthesis in their leaves. Also if they don't receive enough water they become flaccid.
How is water absorbed by the plants?
Water is absorbed by the roots with the help of root hair cells since they increase the surface area to be able to absorb water that is dissolved in the soil.
How do root hair cells function?
They increase the surface area of plant roots and help extract more water from the soil as well as more efficiently extract nutrients from the soil.
How is water transported?
Water is transported from the roots by the xylem vessels to the stem to the leaves where it evaporates (transpiration).
How do plants wilt?
Plants wilt when they don't receive enough water. When they wilt they become flaccid, this is when the vacuole in the plant cell shrinks so it does not push the cytoplasm against the wall.
How do minerals get to leaves
Roots absorb minerals from the soil and travel through the xylem to the leaf.
What is transpiration?
The exhalation of water vapour through the stomata.
The role of the permanent vacuole?
The vacuole provides support as it pushes against its cell walls.
How does the plant become turgid or flaccid?
It becomes turgid when the plant has enough water, this provides support as the vacuole pushes against the cell wall.
It becomes flaccid when the plant doesn't receive enough water and the vacuole shrinks.
What is the difference between turgid and flaccid cells?
Turgid cells: The vacuole has enough water to push the cytoplasm against the cell wall.
Flaccid cells: The vacuole shrinks and doesn't push the cytoplasm against the cell wall.
What is the role of stomata and guard cells?
Stomata allows for gases to to evaporate. Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata.