atherosclerosis/blood clotting

Cards (10)

  • Atherosclerosis - Stage 1
    endothelium becomes damaged, risk factor of this is high blood pressure
  • Atherosclerosis - Stage 2
    inflammatory response: white blood cells move into artery wall creating foam cells with cholestrol
  • Atherosclerosis - Stage 3
    calcium salts + fibrous tissue = plaque and loss of elasticity
  • Atherosclerosis - Stage 4
    plaque causes narrowing therefore blood pressure increases
  • Blood Clotting - Stage 1
    Platelets change shape and stick to damaged wall, forming platelet plug
  • Blood Clotting - Stage 2
    thromboplastin released, in the plasma calcium ions and vitamin K are present
  • Blood Clotting - Stage 3
    ProthrombinThrombin (enzyme)it catalyses fibrinogen
  • Blood Clotting - Stage 4
    Fibrinogen (soluble protein) → fibrin (insoluble protein)
  • Atherosclerosis stage 5
    positive feedback occurs as blood pressure increases more plaques build up
  • Blood clots stage 5
    fibrin strands form a tangled fibrin mesh which trap red blood cells