theme a - r&f

Cards (49)

  • when did same sex marriage become legal?
  • how do christians positively feel about homosexual relationship?
    the church of england allows them to be in a relationship but not marry.
  • which christian church actively protests for LGBT+ rights
    the metropolitan community church
  • what did the dalai lama say about same sex relationships?
    "if two people really feel that way and both sides fully agree then okay."
  • in what book are man and woman described as 'one flesh'
  • what does, 'one flesh' mean?
    it suggests god did not intend for us to enter homosexual relationships.
  • the book of leviticus says what about homosexual relationships?

    "if a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. they are to be put to death"
  • in what buddhism school are homosexual men now allowed to be ordained?
  • what do buddhists think positively about sex outside and before marriage?
    the five precept, "avoid sexual misconduct" does not apply in a more relaxed culture.
  • what do christians feel towards sex outside of and before marriage?
    the sexual act is the consummation of marriage and the ten commandments says to "not commit adultery".
  • artificial contraception is...
    manmade contraceptives, e.g condoms.
  • natural contraception is...
    finding out when a woman is most fertile and avoiding sex at that time.
  • how do christians feel positively about contraception?
    the church of england allows all forms of contraception to limit family size as long as it's done within marriage.
  • does the catholic church approve of married couples to use natural family planning?
  • what do buddhists positively believe about contraception?
    they think it's harmless and it avoids dukkha.
  • what type of contraception does the catholic church forbid?
    artificial contraception.
  • what do buddhists believe the use of contraceptive pills will lead to?
    craving and suffering due to more casual sex.
  • marriage is a what for christians?
    a sacrament: an outward sign of an inward grace
  • buddhists see marriage as good for what reason?
    a good way to build karma. e.g developing the perfections, like patience.
  • why do buddhists think negatively of marriage?
    marriage is a form of attachment so it's not the ideal life for an arhat.
  • cohabiting
    couples who live together before being married
  • some christian denominations view cohabiting negatively
  • for buddhists, cohabiting does not make much difference as the couple have not taken the marriage vows
  • divorce rates are currently experiencing a decline in the 21st Century due to the divorce reform act
  • what's a common reason for divorce?
    unreasonable behaviour
  • in buddhism, why is divorce seen as compassionate?
    if a couple are creating bad karma and causing each other to suffer
  • buddhists will also acknowledge no anicca: all things are impermanent, including relationships
  • traditionally, most families fall into the structure of the nuclear family around them
  • catholics will allow annulment but not divorce
  • Marriage vows: 'Til death us do part'
  • Buddhists will generally discourage divorce and encourage healthy communication between the couples, as well as patience (one of the six perfections)
  • Positive
    Religious teachings: family serves many purposes including procreation ('go forth and multiply') and a stable basis for the raising of children
  • what do catholics allow instead of divorce?
  • how to buddhists feel towards family?
    there is nothing in buddhist scripture which tells you to procreate, so it can be seen an unnecessary and create attachments. the buddha leaves his family to become enlightened.
  • what family types do the majority of christians not support?
    polygamy and same sex couples.
  • what do buddhists feel positively about family?
    buddhists think family
can allow you to practice good moral conduct. buddhism recognises that parents have certain duties to their children, such as arranging a suitable marriage partner
  • what does the old testament say about divorce?
    'god hates divorce'
  • what purpose do christians think family seves?
    procreation ('go forth and multiply') and a stable basis for the raising of children
  • Family planning
    Planning when to have a family and how big a family to have by use of birth control practices and/or contraception
  • Cohabitation
    A couple living together without being married/in a civil partnership