
Cards (20)

  • Climate
    average weather conditions over a long period of time
  • Factors influencing global climates
    distance from sea
    prevailing winds
  • Latitude
    The distance of a place north or south of Earth's equator. Areas closer to the equator are warmer because sun rays shine directly on it and are concentrated on a smaller area.
    Further places are cooler because the rays are at an angle so heat is spread over a wider area.
  • Distance from the sea
    Sea takes longer to heat up and cool than land, meaning it is cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Areas close to the sea have cooler summers and milder winters.
  • Prevailing winds

    Global winds that blow constantly from the same direction.
    -South-westerly: mild in winter, cool in summer and bring rain
    -Northerly: and polar winds are cold as they come from higher latitudes and bring snow
    -Southerly: warm, lower latitudes, may bring rainfall
    -Easterly: continental winds, warm in summer, cool in winter, usually dry
  • Factors that influence local climates
    Aspect: direction a slope faces in relation to the sun. South-facing slopes are pointed towards the sun and are warmer than north-facing slopes.
    Altitude: height of an area above sea level. The higher it is, the colder it is, as air is thinner. Upland areas are also more exposed to wind.
  • 3 Climatic Zones
    Hot: close to the equator - equatorial, savannah, hot desert
    Temperate: mid latitudes - cool temperate oceanic, warm temperate oceanic
    Cold: close to poles - boreal, tundra
  • Equatorial climate

    Near equator
    One season
    Avg temp. 27 degrees C
  • Cool temperate oceanic climate
    Between 40-60 degrees north and south of equator
    4 seasons
    Ireland is in this one
  • Boreal and tundra climates
    Boreal: around Arctic circle
    Tundra: around poles
    2 seasons
  • Factors affecting Ireland's climate
    -Latitude: in summer we are tilted towards sun, so more hours of sunlight and hotter temps. In winter, opposite.
    -Distance from the sea: cooler in summer and warmer in winter because we are surrounded by sea
    -Ocean currents: North Atlantic Drift keeps our temps warmer and influences rainfall
    -Prevailing winds: south-westerly, bring warm moist air and high rainfall
  • Climate change
    a change in global or regional climate patterns
  • Greenhouse effect
    Gases such as CO2 and methane act like a blanket around the planet and trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere. Greenhouses gases that humans produce are resulting in more heat being trapped and temperatures rising
  • Causes of global warming
    -Humans burning fossil fuels
    -Population increase
    -Nitrous oxide in fertilisers
  • Deforestation
    Removal of trees without replanting them
  • Implications of climate change
    -Sea levels will threaten low-lying land
    -Higher evaporation rates, more drought and famine
    -Extreme weather events
    -Skiing season will disappear, impact on economies
    -Increase in wildfires
    -Habitats destroyed
  • EPA
    Environmental Protection Agency. Run a climate change research programme which monitors climate change and the impact it has on Ireland
  • Current signs of global warming in Ireland
    -Average temperature increase
    -Less days of frost
    -Increase in rain
  • If global warming continues, consequences include
    -Rising sea levels
    -More frequent storms
    -Water shortages
  • How we are acting on climate change
    -UN conference in 2015. Many countries signed the Paris Agreement, which meant they agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions
    -UN Sustainable Development Goals are priorities we must focus on until 2030. Goal 13 is to combat climate change.