The story of Jesus did not end with His Passion and Death.
The story of Jesus continues with His glorious Resurrection —His rising from the dead.
In Mark16:1-8, three women went to the tomb with the intention of anointing the body of Jesus.
As they arrived at the site, they saw the stone covering the entrance of the tomb, rolled away.
The women met an angel who proclaimed that, indeed, Jesus had risen.
The women p received an order from the angel to go and tell the disciples and Peter of what they saw.
This resurrection narrative can also, be read in Matthew 28:1-10 and in® Luke 24:1-12.
The women went to anoint the body of Jesus on the first day of the week, also known today as Easter Sunday.
The women found that the stone covering the entrance of the tomb had been rolled away.
The women saw an empty tomb. The women received a message that Jesus had been raised from the dead.
Christ'sResurrection is the central event of God's whole plan of salvation.
In the risen Christ, "a new age has dawned, the long reign of sin has ended, a broken world has been renewed, and we are once again made whole."
The Resurrection was basically Jesus' passage from death to a new, definitive glorified life.
The Resurrection can be described from three points of view:
an event in human history.
as the glorified life of the risen Christ.
as effected by the Blessed Trinity.
Resurrection - the core Christian truth that Jesus rose from the dead.
Hope is the efficient cause of why we always long for a resurrection after an experience of passion. An adage says, "There is a light at the end of the tunnel."
Resurrection - the physical rising from death by Jesus, accomplished, as promised, through the power that was His as the Son of God.
The ResurrectionofJesus is an essential part of the act of salvation.
The death of Jesus and his Resurrection together constitute the mystery o redemption.