Character :Macbeth

Cards (9)

  • Whats the meaning of tyranny?
    Cruel and oppressive treatment by a leader
  • "so foul and fair a day i have not seen" Act 1
  • Analysis for "so foul and fair a day i have not seen"

    He is introduced as malleable and susceptible to the witches malevolent schemes
    This is because he emulates the witches oxymoronic terms
    Presents macbeth as a mouthpiece for evil and a vessel for their miss conduct
  • What does zealatory mean?

    An extreme devotion or obsession towards something
  • " is this the dagger that i see before me, the handle toward my hand?"
  • Analysis for " is this the dagger that i see before me, the handle toward my hand?"

    Shows a motif of death
    The dagger therefore signifies death and macbeths heinous and barbaric nature and him beginning to become a tyrant
  • Analysis for "is this the dagger that i see before me the handle towards my hand?"

    Rhetorical question paired with the hallucination signifies the beginning of his mental decline
    His conscience has be plagued with guilt because he has committed the treacherous act of regicide
    The quote signifies mental and physical deterioration
  • "Stars hide your fires, Let not light see my black and deep desires"
  • Analysis of "stars hide your fires let not light see my black deep desires"

    The noun phrase stars hide your fires tells us that he wants to be in darkness so his deep desires cannot be seen.
    "stars" suggest a celistial force beyond human control like god
    "hide your fires" suggest that his ambitions are so bright like a fire that he wants to conceal them