Characteristics of phobias

Cards (12)

  • A phobia is an irrational and extreme fear that can be triggered in the presence or thought of their phobic stimulus, situation or activity
  • There are three known cognitive characteristics of phobias: Selective attention, Cognitive distortions and Irrational beliefs.
  • Irrational beliefs refer to extreme, irrational beliefs regarding the phobic stimulus, environment or activity. These beliefs are often unfounded and are not grounded in reality.
  • Selective attention is a common cognitive characteristic in phobic individuals, as they may direct their attention to their phobic stimulus, this can create difficulties in concentration and in everyday life.
  • Cognitive distortion refers to the tendency to interpret situations in a negative way, which leads to exaggerated fears and anxieties about the phobic stimulus.
  • There are three known behavioural characteristics of phobias, this includes panic, avoidance and endurance.
  • Panic is a behavioural characteristic which can be observed in the presence of the phobic stimulus, reactions behaviours can include crying, screaming, running away or showing tantrums
  • Avoidance is another behavioural characteristic in which the individual avoids contact with their phobic stimulus, this can make everyday living extremely difficult (E.G if one has agoraphobia, they may not be able to go outside, attend work or school).
  • Endurance is another behavioural characteristic and is when the individual remains in the presence of the phobic stimulus, however stays wary of it's presence.
  • There are two known emotional charactersistics of phobias, Fear and anxiety.
  • Anxiety is often seen in individuals with phobias and a phobia is classified as an anxiety disorder, the experience of anxiety prevents feelings of relaxation and calmness.
  • Fear, is often experienced by those in the presence of a phobic stimulus and is an immediate, intense and undesirable emotion.