
Cards (18)

  • Research instrument
    The tool used in gathering information, data collection to answer the specific questions stated in the problem
  • Research instrument
    • It should be constructed and developed according to the questions consistent of what is asked in the statements of the problem
    • It is very important to state it clearly and precisely to leave no doubt for the respondents to answer
    • As much as possible, respondents should refer to all the options or possible answers for checking or marking their answers, because well prepared instruments guarantees the accuracy and success of the research
  • There is no research made without a research instrument
  • Research instrument
    A generic term used as a measuring device to gather the needed data for research
  • The instrument is the heart and spirit of research
  • Instrument
    The device for measurement
  • Instrumentation

    The process of developing, testing and using such device
  • Validity
    The extent to which an instrument measures what is supposed to measure and performs as it is designed to perform
  • Validation
    1. Collecting and analyzing data to assess the accuracy of an instrument
    2. Pilot testing to determining the external and content validity of the instrument
  • External validity
    Refers to the coverage of the population used in gathering data
  • Content validity
    Refers to the appropriateness of the content of the instrument research
  • Reliability
    The consistency of the results of the instrument
  • A test can be considered reliable but not valid
  • Validity is more important than reliability
  • The most useful instrument is both valid and reliable
  • Instrument construction and development
    • Review the statement of the problem to be guided what questions to include in the instrument
    • Be sure that all expected answers should be written in the positive or declarative sentences so respondents will either check or mark it
    • Open ended items may be done, but for sure very few respondents will spend time writing or filling answers on it
    • Instrument development is more of an art than a science
  • Questions to avoid in instrument construction
    • Embarrassing questions - details pertaining to personal and private matters of the respondents
    • Positive/Negative connotation questions - Ideal questions should avoid positive and negative connotations but rather be constructed with neutral or subtle tones
    • Hypothetical questions - questions that are based on speculations and fantasy
  • Piloting the questionnaire
    1. Pre-test or dry run to few individuals not part of the respondents
    2. Identify any mistake that needs revision or correction until its full scale-survey
    3. Incorporate all corrections and suggestions in the final form of the questionnaire