Mechanism of action of COCP
1. Progestogen negative feedback decreases the pulse frequency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release, which decreases the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and greatly decreases the release of luteinizing hormone (LH)
2. Decreased levels of FSH inhibit follicular development, preventing an increase in estradiol levels
3. Progestogen negative feedback and the lack of estrogen positive feedback on LH release prevent a mid-cycle LH surge
4. Inhibition of follicular development and the absence of a LH surge prevent ovulation
5. Estrogen negative feedback on the anterior pituitary greatly decreases the release of FSH, which inhibits follicular development and helps prevent ovulation
6. Inhibition of sperm penetration through the cervix into the upper genital tract by decreasing the amount of and increasing the viscosity of the cervical mucus