types of water flow

Cards (14)

  • evaporation
    water is heated and turns into a gas called water vapour
  • condensation
    water vapour cools and turns back into a liquid
  • precipitation
    water falls from the sky as rain, snow or hail
  • interception
    when leaves and plants catch raindrops
  • infiltration
    when water soaks into the soil
  • groundwater
    water that is stored underground within rocks
  • transpiration
    when trees and plants let water vapour back into the sky from their leaves
  • permeable rock

    lets water through
  • impermeable rock 

    does not let water through
  • water cycle
    the never ending movement of water from sea to sky to land and then back to the sea
  • surface runoff
    when water hits the land and flows over the surface into a river
  • abstraction
    water removed from rivers, or from underground recourses
  • water footprint
    the impact of our water use on the planet
  • embedded water
    the unseen water used to grow our food and make our clothes