Middle Ages medicine 1250-1500

Cards (26)

  • Who was Hippocrates ?

    -Greek doctor and teacher who created the theory of the 4 humours
    -Believed the body contained 4 humours black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm
    If you are healthy=humours are balanced
    If you are unhealthy=imbalanced humours
    -Use leeches or cups to remove excess blood
  • Who was Galen?

    -A roman doctor who developed the 4 humours by creating the theory of opposites
    -If u had too much of a humour, you need to cure it with the opposite
  • Who liked the 4 humours
    -The church supported the idea
    -Physicians were taught about it
    -However its these false ideas backed by the church that made the progress of medicine slow
  • What is miasma?
    -believed cause disease
    -dirty street waste poisoning the air
  • What was the role of religion and the church in the medieval times in terms of medicine?
    -Bible taught that diseases were a punishment from God for their sins
    • The black death 1348/49 was believed to be a punishment of peoples sins
    • Had lots of power over every aspect of life
  • What is astrology?
    the study of stars
    was key in medical training
    but its these incorrect theories which were rarely challenged that made progress in medieval medicine really slow
  • What was included in religious healing ?( treatment of disease)
    -healing prayers
    -pilgrimages to tombs
  • What kind of treatment was used for the 4 humours
    includes purging and leeching
  • What were herbal remedies used for and what were they like ?
    -to drink/sniff/bathe in
    -given by wise women and apothecaries
    -mostly used herbs, minerals and animal parts
  • What was surgery like in the middle ages?
    -Medieval surgeons could do some complex external surgery e.g trepanning
    -in a time of war surgeons skills were in high demand so their skills increased
    -very little knowledge about dirt and disease
    -poorly sanitised
    -used wine as an antiseptic, natural substances( opium or hemlock) as anaesthetics and honey to clean wounds
    -they would use Wound Man illustrations which gave advice on how to deal with different wounds
  • What were the main ways of prevention of disease in the middle ages
    -flagellants whipped themselves begging god for forgiveness
    • people fasted
    • physicians promoted regimin santitas
    • following a christian lifestyle
    • some wore amulets
  • What was public health like in the middle ages?
    -poor lived in dirty conditions as cost of public health improvement was high
  • What were some problems with public health+ how did they try and solve them ?
    -streets were filled with waste and litter--- introduce laws banning littering
    -too many animals leaving dung in streets ---people were employed to clean the streets (12 rakers by 1370
    -dirty water-----in Gloucester they used lead pipes to bring in fresh water (only for the rich)
    -leaking latrines (toilets)----laws on locations of private latrines
  • did the government help the public health?
    not really
    only spent to improve public health during the black death
  • Who treated the sick in medieval times
    -wise women-using herbal remedies
    -apothecaries-like a chemist or pharmacist
    -physicians- trained at university for 7 years using Hippocrates and Galen, only rich could afford
    -barber surgeon- untrained but experienced surgeon, performs basic surgery like amputating limbs, cheap
  • When was the first hospital made ?
    1123 called st bartholemews in london
  • What were medieval hospitals like?
    -ran by the church
    -focus on care not cure
    -kept clean by monks
    -emphasis on gods healing power
  • When was the black death
  • What were the symptoms of the black death?
    -painful swellings under armpit (buboes)
    -high fever
    -severe headaches
  • What did people believe cause the black death
    it was a punishment cause by god as punishment of their sins
  • What was treatment of the black death like
    -Rubbing a chicken on the buboes ( swelling under armpit)
    -drinking vinegar
    -sitting close to a fire
    -praying to god
  • What did the government do the stop the spread of disease
    -introduced quarantine
  • What percent of Londoners died in the black death
    60%-due to people living so close together , disease easily spread
  • What were the main factors limiting progress of medicine in medieval Britain
    -Galen and Hippocrates as there theories were never challenged so they continued
    -The church-no one could challenge the church, or you would be challenging god, also they supported Galen and Hippocrates theories
    -the king and government- not interested in public health
    -a respect for tradition-physicians were not encouraged to challenge Galen and Hippocrates theories
  • How much change was there in the middle ages?
    -There was no progress on what caused disease in the middle ages, as everyone believed in the theory of 4 humours and didn't want to go against Christianity
    -some progress in treatment-surgery made progress as surgeons became more experienced due to lots of wars
    -still not much progress in surgery and hospitals-50% of patients dies due to infections or diseases
    -not much progress in public health and the prevention of disease as medieval towns were still filthy allowing disease to spread rapidly
  • What was the life expectancy in the medieval times
    35 years old which shows how medicine had not progressed