active transport

Cards (2)

  • Active transport also happens in humans for and from the kid habe pleinking free the gut (b). keer centration of rulants in the g
    1. When there's a higher concentration of glucose and amino acids in the gut they diffae naturally into the blood
    2. BUT-sometimes there's a loser.concentration of nutrients in the gut then there is in the blood
    3. This means that the concentration gradient the wrong way
    4. The same process used in plant roots is ad here...
    5. Active transport allows nutrients to be taken into the blood. Irude the
    6. despite the fact that the concentration gradient is the wrong way. the Mood
    7. This means that glucose can be taken into the bloodstream when its concentration in the blood is already higher than in the gut. It can then be transported to cells, where it's used for aspiration (p.54).
  • An important difference between active transport and diffusion is that active transport uses energy. Imagine a pen of sheep in a field. If you open the pen, the sheep will happily diffuse from the area of higher sheep concentration into the field which has a lower sheep concentration-you won't have to do a thing. To get them back in the pen though, you'll have to put in quite a bit of energy.